First off, welcome! We are so excited you are here looking into our program. Thank you for giving us your time. We know you are busy with kiddos on top of all your other daily tasks, so please accept our huge shout out to you from the CAMO SPORTZ fam!
So on to why you are here. Who started CAMO SPORTZ?
I am a local Arizonan from Mesa, a mother with two amazing sons, who comes from a military family (which is why I love camo)! I have tried out just about every league and city program available, and I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I decided to take the good, try to eliminate the bad, and add things I saw missing. I spoke to hundreds of parents, coaches, and to the stars of the show, our kids. This has given me great insight to form a league that I believe is the best.
As a parent, we want what’s best for our children. I didn’t see the best out there. I realized if I want the best for my kids and other children, I must act and create it for our community.
It's been said it takes a village to raise a child. I believe this to be true. It takes a village to raise strong, healthy, well behaved children. I wanted to create a place of gathering where kids were put first plus MORE! I want a huge supportive village of community with a similar goal, give our kids the BEST while showing them the BEST version of ourselves. Give our players a safe and FUN spot to come each week. Here at CAMO SPORTZ, our mission is to create this with a family bond feel.
Let's be friends! So many friendships have been created out on the fields of sporting events. It's such a beautiful experience! Everyone has their own unique story and background. Yet, we are in a common life stage which allows bonds to flourish.
So to sum it up again, who created CAMO SPORTZ? Simply a mother who wants the best for ALL children. I believe most of us feel the same so please join us! Let's do this together and change the game!